
Showing posts from November, 2020
 Theme Parks, Magic Wands and a Pandemic So since I was very little, I remember being mesmerised and enchanted by every meaningful cartoon movie or character... so much  that I just wanted to meet them all so badly! Fortunately my sweet mother always supported my dreams and ambitions. She wanted to encourage my creativity and imagination by exposing my little mind to new experiences. So by the time I was 7 years old, just the two of us, went on my first trip and it was... you guessed it: A theme park! But not just any theme park, THE theme park. We visited Disnelyand Park in beautiful Paris! Since I was born and raised in a relativly small island, you can imagine how mind-blown I was by the new experience. So mind blown that I still remember the feelings some of the extraordinary games filled me with. So what are theme parks up to, during the pandemic? First of all; theme parks as a definition are   amusement park s  with a central theme ,  such as the movie or the historical backgroun